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Futures teaching at UTS Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation

By Reframeable

On 27, Feb 2020 | In | By Reframeable

Futures teaching at UTS Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation

Reframeable’s Mel Rumble has recently undertaken a range of teaching, tutoring and mentoring work within several futures-related subjects in the UTS Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation. This has included:

  • March 2020 – April 2020: Mel was part of the team who designed and delivered the online version of Envisioning Futures (a fourth-year subject within the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII) in UTS’s Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation (FTDI)) to a cohort of 90+ students after a rapid Covid-19 pivot to online delivery
  • December 2019 – February 2020: Co-design, co-delivery and mentoring for a new subject within the FTDI’s Futures Thinking strand called Making Futures, which ran in February 2020 across three weeks
  • July 2019 & July 2020: Teaching and mentoring for the second year subject Past, Present, Future of Innovation within the FTDI’s BCII. This year Mel was part of the tutor team that ran this subject online to 250 students after a Covid-induced rapid pivot to remote learning